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International Peace Human Rights Education Council®: Promoting Education and Human Rights Advocacy

The International Peace Human Rights Education Council® (IPHREC) is an esteemed institution that operates under the legal framework of the Government of India and is registered under the West Bengal Institutions and Establishments Act of 1963. It is also recognized and registered under the Government of MSME, India, highlighting its commitment to regulatory compliance and excellence in its operations. One of IPHREC's notable achievements is its accreditation by the International ISO 9001:2015, with Registration No.: GCS/QMS/7669, granted by a reputable body based in the United Kingdom. This accreditation underscores IPHREC's dedication to maintaining high-quality standards in its educational and advocacy efforts.

Additionally, IPHREC is registered under the Establishment Act of 1954 and is also registered under the Government of Delhi, India, further solidifying its legal standing and commitment to operating within regulatory frameworks. The institution holds lifetime membership and accreditation from the Board of Quality Standards (BQS) with Registration No. NCCBS30112161123, emphasizing its continuous commitment to quality and excellence.

IPHREC's global recognition is highlighted by its acknowledgment and recognition by various international bodies. It is recognized by the European Agency for Higher Education & Accreditation (EAHEA) with Institution ID: 24RC0705017, demonstrating its credibility and adherence to international education standards. Moreover, IPHREC is registered by the EUROPIAN COMMISSION with PIC: 879510544, further solidifying its global recognition and standing.

The institution's commitment to global collaboration and accreditation is evident through its accreditation by the Alliance Of The Peoples Of The World (IIICL) with Accreditation Number: IPHREC/UHI/323, based in Moscow, Russian Federation. IPHREC's dedication to professional development is showcased through its accreditation by Continuing Professional Development (CPD), London, United Kingdom, ensuring continuous growth and enhancement for its members and stakeholders.

Furthermore, IPHREC's global reputation extends to the United States, where it is recognized by the American Merit Council, acknowledging its contributions to education and advocacy. Additionally, IPHREC is recognized by the State of Birland Government, BirTawil Africa, with Reg. No. BIR/0212024 & RKMPII, Reg. No. RKMPII-21832024, further showcasing its international recognition and impact. With its wide array of registrations, accreditations, and recognitions, IPHREC continues to uphold its mission of promoting peace, human rights education, and advocacy on a global scale, making a significant impact in creating a more just and peaceful world.

Official Address in India: West Bengal, India, Ward No- 1, BOROUGH I. KOLKATA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, P. S. ALIPORE, P. O.-A.J.C.BOSE ROAD S.O KOLKATA - 700020

CEO Address in India: Bowai, Burdwan -713423, Near MTA Research Institution, India

Malaysia Office Address: No 2A Jalan Makmur 4 Taman Sekiah Makmur, Behrang Ulu, 35900 Perak, Malaysia

The International Peace Human Rights Education Council® (IPHREC) is strategically positioned with official addresses in India and Malaysia, underscoring its global reach and commitment to promoting peace, human rights education, and advocacy.

In India, IPHREC's official address in West Bengal reflects its presence within the vibrant community of Kolkata. Situated in Ward No- 1, BOROUGH I, KOLKATA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, the address speaks to the council's engagement with local governance structures and its contribution to the region's educational and human rights landscape. The CEO Address in Bowai, Burdwan, near the MTA Research Institution, serves as a hub for leadership and strategic initiatives. This location highlights IPHREC's dedication to research, innovation, and collaboration in advancing its mission across India and beyond. Complementing its Indian presence, IPHREC operates from its Malaysia office located at No 2A Jalan Makmur 4 Taman Sekiah Makmur, Behrang Ulu, Perak. This strategic location in Malaysia signifies the council's commitment to fostering international partnerships, enhancing cross-cultural understanding, and amplifying its impact on a global scale. Through its dual presence in India and Malaysia, IPHREC continues to play a pivotal role in promoting education, human rights advocacy, and fostering meaningful collaborations to create a more inclusive and peaceful world.

Mission and Focus

IPHREC's mission revolves around promoting peace, human rights education, and advocacy globally. Through its accredited programs and affiliations, it aims to:

- Provide quality education and training in human rights, peace studies, and related fields.
- Foster awareness and understanding of human rights issues and promote a culture of peace and tolerance.
- Advocate for the protection and promotion of human rights at local, national, and international levels.
- Collaborate with like-minded institutions, organizations, and agencies to advance the cause of peace and human rights.

Contact and Information

For more information about IPHREC, including its programs, accreditation, and affiliations, you can visit their official Wikialpha page at [Wikialpha - International Peace Human Rights Education Council](, their website at [](, or contact them via email at You can also follow their updates and activities on their Facebook page: [International Peace Human Rights Education Council](

IPHREC stands as a beacon of education, advocacy, and accreditation in the realms of peace and human rights. With its esteemed recognitions, accreditations, and a strong mission, IPHREC continues to make significant contributions to global education and human rights initiatives, impacting lives and societies positively.

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Fostering Global Harmony: International Peace Human Rights Education Council®

Introduction: The International Peace Human Rights Education Council (IPHREC) stands as a beacon of commitment to promoting peace, human rights, and education on a global scale. With its roots firmly embedded in the legal frameworks of West Bengal, India, this registered entity has garnered recognition and accreditation from various national and international bodies, attesting to its dedication and credibility.

Mission: At the heart of IPHREC lies a profound mission — to cultivate a world where peace and human rights are not mere ideals but tangible realities. The organization aspires to bridge cultural, geographical, and socio-economic gaps, fostering a global community that values and upholds the principles of peace and human rights.


  1. Education for Empowerment: IPHREC is committed to providing quality education that empowers individuals with the knowledge and skills to be champions of peace and human rights. By operating under the West Bengal Institutions and Establishments Act, IPHREC ensures a strong educational foundation.

  2. Global Recognition: The organization's extensive list of registrations, including under the Government of Delhi and MSME, reflects its commitment to operating within legal frameworks. Recognition by the European Agency for Higher Education & Accreditation, EUROPIAN COMMISSION, and the American Merit Council attests to its international standing.

  3. Accreditation and Quality Assurance: IPHREC has earned accreditation from prestigious bodies such as IIICL, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in London, and International ISO 9001:2015. These accreditations underscore its commitment to maintaining high standards in education and organizational practices.

Planning for Impact:

  1. Strategic Alliances: IPHREC's alliance with the "Alliance Of The Peoples Of The World" in Moscow signifies a strategic approach to fostering global collaboration for peace and human rights. Such alliances strengthen the organization's ability to create a lasting impact.

  2. Online Presence: Leveraging the digital landscape, IPHREC has established a strong online presence through its official website, wikialpha page, and social media platforms. The transparency and accessibility provided through these channels contribute to a wider reach and engagement.

CEO's Vision: The CEO's address in Bowai, Burdwan, near MTA Research Institution, reflects a hands-on commitment to the organization's mission. By situating operations close to a research institution, IPHREC ensures that its educational initiatives are informed by the latest research and developments.

Conclusion: In a world grappling with diverse challenges, the International Peace Human Rights Education Council stands as a steadfast advocate for positive change. Its multi-faceted approach, encompassing education, global recognition, accreditation, strategic planning, and visionary leadership, positions IPHREC as a key player in shaping a future where peace and human rights are not aspirations but integral aspects of our shared global identity.

Contact Information:

Copyright Notice: All rights reserved by IPHREC®.

